Finally, "A Quick And Easy Way To Write A Business Plan Cover Page..."
Its called the Pitch-Kit and you better hang on to your hat because this new tool kit truly makes writing a business plan cover page easy!
Imagine an experienced business writer helping you write the cover page to your business plan. After an exciting series of questions, the writer hands you a rough draft of your cover page. You then use the writer's instruction booklet to guide your writing. Before you know it, you're done!
This isn't fantasy. The Pitch-Kit is a breakthrough MS Word template designed to ask mind-stretching questions. But that's not all. The Pitch-Kit organizes your answers into a logical outline! With the outline in hand, you know where you are going. You no longer have to face that agonizing blank page.
Would you like an "expert advisor" by your side to help you create an irresistible cover page to pitch your business plan?
The Pitch-Kit is now my writing companion. I use it to think through business plans, develop rough drafts, brainstorm new ventures, and much more. The Pitch-Kit saves me time, effort AND money. When a business plan wasn't sound, the Pitch-Kit told me where the holes where. When I need help fast, the Pitch-Kit is there.
With the Pitch-Kit you can literally become more effective, intelligent, powerful AND productive!
- Zero readers in on the heart of your business plan quickly so they'll want to follow-up with you to learn more about what you're doing!
- Can you imagine the persuasive cover page you could write with the Pitch-Kit at your fingertips!?
- Use the Pitch-Kit as checklist to jumpstart writing a business plan cover page ----
- Or to be sure your current plan covers all the key topics of a powerful, successful plan.
Mark Twain wrote, "A man's intellect is stored powder; it cannot touch itself off; the fire must come from outside." The Pitch-Kit is the "fire" you need to make your business plan EXPLODE! |
Now you can benefit from this "tool kit", too. Though it retails for US$29.95, you can now get the Pitch-Kit for ONLY US$19.97. (You SAVE 33%!) And this includes:
- Six MS Word templates
- Two chapters from the "Business Plan Secrets Revealed" business plan manual
- Two real-world business plan cover page examples
The six templates let you choose the look and feel that's right for you. The two chapters help you write more clearly and make design choices that will make your writing easier to read. The cover page examples show you real-world cover pages in action.
Just think - the amount of attention you'll create writing a business plan cover page with the Pitch-Kit will probably more than pay for the kit!
You'll be writing persuasive cover pages just like the pros only moments after you ask the Pitch-Kit for help!
But don't take my word for it. See for yourself. Just Click on the DOWNLOAD THE PITCH-KIT NOW link below to order an instant download of the Pitch-Kit for just US$19.97 through a Clickbank secure server. Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you can download the Pitch-Kit.
Remember, if after using the Pitch-Kit you do not feel it is worth many times its cost, just tell me so and I'll refund your money back without any quibbling. Could any offer be fairer? So, what are you waiting for...
Yes, I want to start writing a business plan cover page the easy way!
You'll be directed to a secured Clickbank order page. Once your purchase is complete you'll be directed to the download page.
Then stand back. Wrting a business plan cover page is about to become a "snap!"
Mike Elia
Author, Business Plan Secrets Revealed
PS - If you don't click on the DOWNLOAD THE PITCH-KIT NOW link I'll assume you don't intend to pitch your business plan. Because I know you would buy this tool kit if you did! What person seeking breakthrough effectiveness in pitching their business plan wouldn't buy this tool kit?!
PSS - Face it. Your business plan is competing for time because it is seen for a few seconds and either heeded or passed up and seldom returned to by readers. Why risk getting passed-up?